Bonds of 10
R 169.95 ZAR
Learn and play with Bonds of 10! Our wooden number sticks help your child build a visual understanding of the bonds of 10. It's an engaging and fun way to acquire this important math skill.
- 18 wooden blocks
- 1 wooden bock tray measures 30 x 30 cm
What our OT says:
Visual and tactile representations play a crucial role in supporting math development, especially for young learners.
Concrete Understanding:
- Visual and tactile representations provide a concrete way to understand abstract mathematical concepts.
- When learners can physically manipulate objects or see visual patterns, they build a stronger foundation for understanding.
- For example, using blocks to represent bonds of 10 allows students to see and feel the concept of grouping and counting.
Engagement and Interest:
- Visual and tactile materials capture learners’ attention and make learning more engaging.
- Hands-on activities, such as arranging blocks or using manipulatives, activate multiple senses.
- Learners become active participants in their learning, which leads to better retention and comprehension.
Conceptual Clarity:
- Visual representations clarify complex ideas.
- For bonds of 10, students can physically pair blocks to see how combinations create the desired sum.
- They observe patterns, such as 5 + 5 or 7 + 3, and internalise the concept of making 10.
Problem Solving and Reasoning:
- Manipulating objects encourages problem-solving skills.
- Learners experiment with different arrangements, test hypotheses, and discover relationships.
- They learn to reason logically and make connections between visual patterns and mathematical rules.
Spatial Reasoning:
- Visual representations develop spatial reasoning abilities.
- Learners learn about symmetry, congruence, and transformations.
- For bonds of 10, they notice how pairs of blocks fit together symmetrically.
Language Development:
- Tactile experiences enhance language development.
- Learners describe what they see, compare shapes, and explain their reasoning.
- Vocabulary related to math concepts becomes more meaningful through hands-on exploration.
Memory and Recall:
- Visual and tactile cues improve memory retention.
- When learners physically manipulate objects, they create lasting mental images.
- These images serve as memory anchors for recalling mathematical facts and procedures.
Inclusivity and Differentiation:
- Visual and tactile tools accommodate diverse learning styles.
- Some learners grasp concepts better through visual cues, while others benefit from hands-on experiences.
- Teachers can differentiate instruction by using a variety of representations.
Transference to Abstract Symbols:
- Once learners understand concepts concretely, they can transition to abstract symbols (such as numbers and equations).
- Visual and tactile experiences serve as bridges to symbolic math.
- For bonds of 10, students eventually recognise that 7 + 3 = 10 without needing physical blocks.
Classroom Implementation:
- Teachers can incorporate visual aids, manipulatives, and interactive activities.
- Use blocks, number lines, diagrams, and geometric shapes.
- Encourage discussions, group work, and exploration.
- Celebrate the “aha” moments when students connect the visual/tactile with the abstract.